What chew want

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Artificial Intelligence

New information is available every time we turn around. We think we know it all, and in fact do but just can't get our hands on the info. If we were actually able to link all the information in the world today. We probably could actually make sence of things Think of the potential we have in the world with the World Wide Web. If everyone would and could connect to the internet continuously thereby linking it all together, as one giant brain.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Buying in

I'm sorry, I've been kinda busy lately buying into our new company, We had a couple of meetings last week and will have another tomorrow. We actually (supposedly) made money last year. So it seems to be a viable business. We'll probably add some pictures on here when we get a chance.
Ronnie and I were at the shop today, we changed oil in a couple of rigs, and fixed the rear bearings on our mini-van. and ran into a bit of a problem with one of the hubs, the bearing had been spinning on the race so it's worn into the hub. So I couldn't get a hub on a sunday, so I cut up a paint can and shimmed the old bearing race, it'll work til' we can get a new hub.
This isn't a political or religeous topic, but it's my blog spot so I reserve the right to talk about what I want Right?