The, "this is what it's all about" blog
I've been spending a lot of time in the cities, but while home, I've been listening to Doug Batchelor. He's an X Catholic, X Hippie, born again christian preacher. He found a bible in his cave that he was living in as a rebel hippie. He makes a few accusations in his recent set of Seminars, and his take on the final days of Earth, and the Rapture are right in line with the Bible. He and many other recent Seventh Day Adventists, have spent hours studying the prophecies in the bible, and understand the Books of Revelations, and Daniel, in a way that I've been lead lately, now I'm finding that they confirm what I've been learning.
See the site on
This is an interesting site. I haven't got a chance to view the whole thing but it seems really on track.
• Beast = Kingdom/government/political power Daniel 7:17, 23
that's an excerpt...
I thought this was especially interesting as I have always thought of the beast as satans means of power but never linked it to the government.
Beth, at Friday, March 25, 2005 9:59:00 AM
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